I really enjoyed visiting the Horniman Museum in South London, in which there is much to see. As you enter the museum you will discover it is full of interesting artefacts such as embalming from the Egyptians to objects from around the world. Also you’ll learn about the history behind the collection. I did find that the […]
Visual art
thompson’s blog

My name is Thompson Hall from ActionSpace. I was also on the Steering Committee of the first Creative Minds Conference in Brighton in March 2014. Creative Minds is led by learning disabled artists and performers. We aim to get people talking about learning disabled artists and performers. We have a Legacy Group which meets every […]
The Creative Minds South East committee are confused! Why is the work of learning disabled artists nearly always seen as part of an arts venue or galleries education programme, outreach or community work or even more annoyingly – arts therapy? Any ideas? Thompson Hall from Action Space and Sarah Watson from Oska Bright explain a […]
Gavin Stride – Friday
This is the last day of Creative Minds talking to Gavin, who is the Director of Farnham Maltings. Today’s Creative Minds Question is: You must see a lot of theatre, dance and art – have you seen any by a learning disabled artist or company recently and if so, what did you think about it? […]
More Hidden Histories
Here’s an interesting review of an Art exhibition made by learning disabled artists and Wicked Fish. The Museum of Liverpool’s latest exhibition, From There To Here: The Hidden History Of People With Learning Difficulties In Merseyside, aims to explore and celebrate the social and cultural history of people with learning difficulties over the past 100 years, […]
Venues showing learning disability arts work
These points came out of our talking at Creative Minds Brighton on 10th March 2014. Tell us what you think: So – are there reasons why promoters and curators don’t book performances by learning disabled theatre or dance companies or exhibit the work of learning disabled artists? Of course it’s possible that they have some […]
Creative Ambition

Thompson Hall is a learning disabled artist that works with Action Space, the London visual arts studio. Thompson took part in the Creative Minds conference, where he showed his first solo exhibition, and had this to say about it: “Some artists, performers and film makers with learning disabilities made important points about why they […]
Why are we labelling learning disability arts?
Lucy Dalzell from Connected Culture and Spare Tyre Theatre Company blogged about her time at Creative Minds in Brighton on the 10th March 2014. Here is an exert: “The discussion that followed (the sharings of work by different performance company’s) was particularly interesting. Why are we labelling this work? Why do we need to be […]

Chris Beck from Song Unite asks us: Who and/or what inspires YOU and why? To set the ball rolling… my son inspires me. He works hard, laughs hard and never discriminates. He can be honest without being insensitive or unkind and he lives each day as it comes, embracing and enjoying life to the full. […]
PicKee Steps

Our joined up thinking on quality and art by people with learning disabilities especially for Creative Minds in Brighton. Who are we? Well I’m Sarah Pickthall and this is Andy Kee and together we are PicKee STEPS. We will be sharing our PicKee thinking leading up to the conference on the 10th March… Why are […]