Over recent weeks we have watched the campaign to make Finnish punk band PKN triumph at Eurovision. Every media outlet in their country backed them and they had 34000 mentions on twitter in a month. But they get voted off and the competition duly lacks any true diversity. A sad day for democracy and a […]
The Creative Minds South East committee are confused! Why is the work of learning disabled artists nearly always seen as part of an arts venue or galleries education programme, outreach or community work or even more annoyingly – arts therapy? Any ideas? Thompson Hall from Action Space and Sarah Watson from Oska Bright explain a […]
Gavin Stride – Friday
This is the last day of Creative Minds talking to Gavin, who is the Director of Farnham Maltings. Today’s Creative Minds Question is: You must see a lot of theatre, dance and art – have you seen any by a learning disabled artist or company recently and if so, what did you think about it? […]
On stage talent counts, not disability
Do you think that punk is leading the way in getting more people to accept quality music by learning disabled musicians? The Guardian do, in their online article here. What do you think? http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/apr/01/constant-flux-learning-disabled-bands-mainstream
Thoughts from Beat Express
Here are our thoughts about quality and being a band of musicians with learning disabilities: Lee Hubbard (lead singer and bass): “I work hard and play lots and I feel responsible for making sure it is good. We like to be liked! Some people like it and some people might not, which can be stressful […]