Written by a support worker at Creative Minds Bristol on 14th October and given to us afterwards. What do you think the question at the end of the Creative Minds call for a revolution should have been? Tell us here!
“You guys have the power now to do something with your knowledge and skills but most importantly PASSION…it’s oozing out of this conference! What I can say is don’t let your moment go! Make a stand! You’re all doing so great! When Creative Minds Brighton got on the stage and drummed up a revolution that wasn’t physically adopted there and then…they showed a last slide which said: ‘any questions anybody?’ I stared at those words and I thought to myself, what if they just slightly tweaked that question. Just slightly…what if instead of the awkward silence that happened for 10 seconds after they’d finished, there was a different question that sent everyone flying off their chairs, bashing the doors down into the streets to start this revolution…”
Great day I know. Please start to Network talk and exchange ideas plus views. I took part in the Arts as a young person. In my mid age as a trained arts worker, I can look forward knowing the power and skills are there in other artists in that room!
Often it is lack of support which stops people from making a difference.There is though pressure building for real change. TR2’s community team was seen as vital at a recent open day at the Plymouth facility. Would like see better access for creative activity,and financial help to allow people to take part.