CREATIVE MINDS Conference – 10th March 2014

The "Post-It" Wall at Creative Minds Brighton on 10th March 2014

The “Post-It” wall

: Post-It Note comments

Challenge the barriers with mainstream arts education

Being valued gives opportunity to share work. Essential

Quality of presentation is important

Acknowledge therapeutic benefits – helps to get ££££’s

I like the way you work together; creative equals

Your skilfulness makes you a professional artist

The question ‘is this therapy?’ really undermines what is being achieved here artistically. Who is asking this question and for what purpose?

When are the disability arts community going to drop the label/stigma of Disability Arts – it’s not!

Is inclusion the way forward?

Is it wrong to think that the notion of ‘quality’ belongs more to the process than to the art which is being performed? Are we looking for quality as a fundable activity? Art seems more about emotion and connection and communication than quality. Technique and quality are part of the process?

Quality for me is about all the aspects together, music and camera with narrative etc. These need to be shared as mainstream to be inclusive.

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