Thompson Hall and Louella Forrest at Creative Minds in Brighton

Thompson Hall at Creative Minds

Thompson Hall is a learning disabled artist that works with Action Space, the London visual arts studio. Thompson took part in the Creative Minds conference, where he showed his first solo exhibition, and had this to say about it: “Some artists, performers and film makers with learning disabilities made important points about why they enjoy doing what they do. I liked that they stressed their art is not therapy and that the reason for doing it is not about therapy at all.

‘Personally, I found it exciting to have my first solo exhibition and was pleased that people were interested in me as an artist and wanted to know about my work. I have been an artist for quite a long time now and it felt good to be acknowledged by so many people.

“The conversation should carry on – we should talk more about it and open up a debate. That way people will have answers to their questions. There should be more conferences for artists with learning disabilities to express their views.

“Future dreams? Well, as an artist I would like to have more opportunities to exhibit my work and to build up a profile. Now that I have done my first solo show I feel I have confidence to do it again.”

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