In the run up to our performance as part of Creative Minds East Conference, we rehearsed for Origami Atoms at Oval House and Brixton. We also did a tech and dress run at Jerwood Dance House in Ipswich. After the performance we had good feedback from the audience and it was very interesting. One person said that they liked the duets and they said it was well rehearsed and in time with each other. Someone else said the movement and music complimented each other. They also liked the costumes.

At the conference there was an opening speech from the steering group in the Theatre Studio and then after that there was a performance by Jez Coldbourne from Mind the Gap. His piece was an extract from a performance called ‘Contained’ and he was BRILLIANT! I enjoyed his performance because I liked the way he stood up and sang at the same time. My favourite section was when he was singing and using the keyboard and another performer was responding back with singing and movement. Another reason why I liked it was because he was singing about his personal life and it was interesting to see/hear that.

Everyone at the conference had a name badge with two coloured spots and we had to go into our coloured sports for our breakout groups. One of them was for the morning and the other one was for the afternoon. In one of the breakout session we were given post-it notes and in the discussion group we had to write down ‘what is quality?’ and one of the people put down ‘Quality is an art organisation with people with learning disabilities’ and other people said that there was lack of funding which made it difficult to run projects. We then had to feedback our notes to the other groups. My favourite bit was when I had to say what support we have as an individual. I said ‘As an individual we have to have lots of support but more as an artist, as doing performances or looking at art we need support in place’

The Creative Minds Conference was a great day for me as a performer but also as someone that could also contribute to the talking. The information was easy for me to understand. It is good for me to discuss what is good quality work.

I am starting a new project with Corali Dance Company, Intoart and Tate and we are talking about what artwork we like. In our latest workshop we worked with Intoart at the Tate Modern. We walked around by ourselves and picked what artwork we liked and shared our ideas. I picked 3 pieces of art, which included a sculpture piece. We then wrote down words that reminded us of the artwork on coloured paper and we created some movement in response to that. Jacobus videoed us and then we watched our movement back on a projected wall. Intoart then shared the work that they had created for the V&A. We are having more workshops this year to help us with developing new ideas for both Corali and Intoart and discussing what is good artwork.

I am a professional performer and I have confidence in myself and often go out to learn new skills. I have learnt how to make eye contact and also be in control of myself – what I can do, and what I need to be aware of.

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