We need to find a way to make people know when our work is good. We don’t want people to patronise us. If someone tells us what to do, for example“walk on stage, turn round, say hello and walk off”, then we are not being creative. Whereas if we make our own entrance and find […]
The Arts
Stand up and be counted
Do you think it’s important to tell people that the art is made by someone with a learning disability? Or should it not actually matter? Francis Manning – “If I make some work then the people I care about most are my friends and family – I don’t think about what other people […]
On quality

http://www.rocketartists.co.uk/projects.html and http://www.creativemindsproject.org.uk/community/ Hello my name is Sarah Pickthall and i’ve been working with learning disabled creative people for over 20 years. The art of people with learning disabilities be that, dance, spoken word poetry, visual art, digital, film, drama, installation – (art in spaces) excites me and delights me. I’m with Gus Garside, that sometimes the […]
Dream On by Dean Rodney from Heart n Soul
Great talk here from Dean – have a listen, share it and tell us what you think by posting a comment here.
Displaying work too soon
I’ve seen some great and unique work by learning disabled artists and performers, but I’ve also seen some stuff that was definitely not great. I think sometimes there is a problem when people present work that is fun to share but isn’t ready for a paying public and that doesn’t help anyone. It can put […]
Whose work is it anyway?
I have written a paper called “Whose work is it anyway?”. The paper was one I wrote for Conquering Public Spaces conference in Prague in November 2011. I wrote it because I am cross that the national press don’t seem interested in learning disability arts and performance. This link will let you download an Easy […]
The quality of your own Art and working with others
Quality is about working and getting ideas and making visual Arts and also doing or making performance with other people who has a learning disability. And in my point of view I will say that my Disability has no effect on making my performance work or working with others. By Bethan Kendrick
People consider our Art “therapy”
Whilst we have been touring Oska Bright (the international festival of short films made by people with learning disabilities) all around the country and overseas, Sarah Watson and I heard people saying that the films were good and that everyone must have got a lot of therapy out of making them. We were angry that […]