On Tuesday 17th January, Lawnmowers took a trip to Northern Stage to see Cardboard Citizens’ new show Cathy.
Lawnmowers were particularly interested in this show as it is a type of theatre called “Forum Theatre”, part of a political theatre system created by Augusto Boal. The founding Lawnmowers actors received training from Boal and have continued to use Forum Theatre to this day to raise awareness about the issues faced by people with learning difficulties. In Forum Theatre the audience or “spect-actors” see a piece of theatre which highlights a particular issue that the main character is facing. They are then invited up onto the stage to try and change the situation for the better.
“The play was called Cathy, the show was by Cardboard Citizens. The play was about homelessness and about a mother and daughter who were struggling with benefits and housing. It made me feel emotional in all different ways. It also gave me flash backs of what happened in my own life” – Anonymous
Here’s a short video of the Lawnmowers Theatre for Change review of the show