It can be difficult to talk about what we think about quality in learning disabled artwithout actually discussing a particular piece of work. Do we like how it was made – the materials that were used to make it? Do we like the process the artist followed to create the work? Do we like the finished product? And what it is about the work that makes us feel the way we do?
So, over the next few weeks and months we’re going to be posting links to some learning disabled art to get us all talking about art…
A big THANK YOU to all the artists and arts organisations that have allowed us touse their work as a talking point.
First up is a film called In My Book which was made by JUMPcuts as part of their Film Academy Project.
JUMPcuts is a training and production partnership between Biggerhouse Film andSomerset Film in association with Somerset County Council and Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
JUMPcuts’ Film Academy is a good example of how learning disabled artists are working with digital media to create art. JUMPcuts call this ‘collaborative best practice’ and you can find out more about how they made In My Book here.
Watch the films and let us know what you think – we are looking forward to hearing from you.
The Creative Minds Team.
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