5 thoughts on “Let’s start a revolution!

  1. Revolution is probably the key word. We still though in the position of films and music about disability and from people with disabilities not being ready available on the high street . One of my hopes for the funky Liama project is it might just change this one day

  2. There is so much exciting stuff going on that should be taken seriously and respected in the mainstream as high quality art. Differently abled adults should be being paid for the amazing work they make and share with audiences. We need to keep talking and networking, spreading the word and making people stop and take note.

  3. “Others have a lot to learn from us!” This is important. We need to challenge notions of ‘quality’ in the professional world of the performing arts and champion the idea that diversity is as interesting as skill.
    Revolution is the word.

  4. Clever, insightful, thoughtful presentation. How can we not take you seriously as professional artists. If Creative Minds can bring about this kind of a revolution, then count me in!

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