Gav Week! All this week, Gavin Stride will be answering our questions on why learning disabled artists and companies struggle for ‘airtime’. Whilst physically disabled actors and dancers have enjoyed a greater profile in recent years, art created by and with learning disabled artists still struggle for recognition. We thought it would be interesting to […]
Recent Discussions
More Hidden Histories
Here’s an interesting review of an Art exhibition made by learning disabled artists and Wicked Fish. The Museum of Liverpool’s latest exhibition, From There To Here: The Hidden History Of People With Learning Difficulties In Merseyside, aims to explore and celebrate the social and cultural history of people with learning difficulties over the past 100 years, […]
Arts Connect Event
Oska Bright was invited to be part of the Arts Connect event in Eastbourne, we saw music, dance, films and acting. The quality was good, the films were brilliant. David one of the filmmakers said: ‘Our film is important because it’s about our real life’ ‘you know it’s good because of the audience reaction’ Another […]
What do you expect me to be?
Carousel film maker Sarah Watson, asks us: “When you see my work, what do you expect me to be?”
What do you want to see?
Bethan Kendrick, dancer with Corali Dance Company, asks us: “What Style of performance do you want to see?”
Do you know what work I do?
Ellen Goodey, learning disabled producer, director, actress and singer asks us: “What shows do you want to see on stage? Do you know my work and what I do?”
Who chooses what we see in galleries?
Visual Artist Thompson Hall, from Action Space asks: “How do galleries choose what to show? Who chooses what to show?”
Building a Collaborative Partnership with a Learning Disabled Artist
What a great website this is! I am an artist who has worked with many learning disabled artists over a number of years, including work for both the London based arts organisation ‘Action Space’ and the deafblind charity ‘Sense’. I am passionate about supporting artists to create high quality work that is no longer marginalised […]
Let’s talk about art, baby
It can be difficult to talk about what we think about quality in learning disabled artwithout actually discussing a particular piece of work. Do we like how it was made – the materials that were used to make it? Do we like the process the artist followed to create the work? Do we like the […]
Venues showing learning disability arts work
These points came out of our talking at Creative Minds Brighton on 10th March 2014. Tell us what you think: So – are there reasons why promoters and curators don’t book performances by learning disabled theatre or dance companies or exhibit the work of learning disabled artists? Of course it’s possible that they have some […]