I stumbled across your site by accident, whilst researching the “Live Arts” scene across the UK. I would like to commend all involved with this wonderful project. But as I strolled through your site I realised that the questions raised may be more than just discussing and questioning the quality of learning disabled artists’ work‎. You really have to make comparisons between these works and what is relevant in the mainstream.

From what I have been so far, I really think that comparing learning disability arts to the professional arts scene is rather like comparing ‎Edvard Griegs Peer Gynt and a reality TV Show. By that I mean the work of Peer Gynt being viewed as a classic, and the reality TV show being just relevant in today’s 15 minutes of fame culture.

However I’m not saying that the work (I have seen so far on your website) is of poor quality ‎but as a critic and researcher of arts works for the previous 26 years, you have to make comparisons!

 I do wish you all good luck in your project.

 Felicity Braithwaite 

2 thoughts on “As valid as comparing Peer Gynt to reality TV

  1. Glen Ezekiel Meskell commented on a link Creative Minds Project shared via facebook.
    “It would be better if she expanded on her views more to really get to what she means i think. From the provocation that’s been placed down it’s easy to see that the issue here is not quality of skill or artistic ability it is purely perception. This arts reviewer has embedded within her the perception that ‘high quality art’ can only be connected to the classics and performed or produced by those of us who have been classically trained. Not her fault but more the fault of years of patronising misconception about what is good quality art. We all know that disabled artists and participants put as much effort and learn skills to the best of their ability as much as able bodied or those without mental disabilities. The struggle, the challenge, the exciting road ahead is to change the general public’s and the arts and cultural scene perception around what is quality and ehat should be celebrated and enjoyed. The work of Creative Minds im glad to see is addressing this in a really positive and groundbreaking way. I’m joining you on this journey and you and your partners will make a difference. Carry on the great work.”

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