From Creative Minds Conference:
University Arts Departments need to open their eyes to learning disability led arts activity. They provide opportunities for Universities to understand how to apply the skills of learning disabled people. It is up to us to tell Universities what we are doing.
what about the national record of vocational achievement (covering the Arts)and or the Arts Awards by ACE??
Why do people with different level of Learning disability not do any art degree or qualifications. It costs a lot of money to do a degree, and lack of support or communication with tutor or staffs at Colleges/Uni. But can we find away around this? There is will and there a way.
Should a course at uni be specifically for people with Learning Disabilities, or should we be able to integrate courses? Especially at BA level?
Hi Alex, I think there’s room for both, isn’t there. Trinity University in Dublin runs a BA degree course for students with learning disabilities in something I believe they call “Life Skills”. This is a great start, and something that has yet to happen in the UK. I think an arts based degree course that includes students with learning disabilities as equal learners would be a great start. There are lots of ways that students could work together, through the arts, and lots of ways students can record their academic processes using a range of digital technology. This can be academically rigorous in its approach. It just needs a progressive-thinking University to take this by the horns and make it happen. Any ideas who might take this on?
Thanks for this information. I am currently working with students on the ‘Performance Making Diploma’ at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama which is specifically for adults with learning disabilities. I think the course is a brilliant step toward BA level, however there is a significant lack of change from the BA courses to be more inclusive and accept students onto acting and devising degrees. It’s really interesting what you mention about filming responses and essays, I think this could be a step forward into making sure the degrees are rigorous and allow an inclusive course where disability is not seen as important, the person is and their skills in the arts.
From Creative Minds Conference on 10th March 2014
“Don’t prioritise non-vocational courses. They’re often over rated if you actually want to be a performer.”
From Creative Minds Conference on 10th March 2014
“Create alternative, bespoke opportunities for higher education. Devise courses with learning disabled people to find out what skills or learning they want. Develop the process and open up further opportunities to non learning disabled artists, ie – lead the way! Show Universities how to engage with difference.”
hows about placements to develop Arts skills and both the artist and the arts space learning from each other?
It must be paid and real training of use!